

More Celebrities Pledge Donations For March For Our Lives Movement

More celebrities are pledging $500,000 donations to the March for Our Lives event in Washington, D.C.
Posted at 2:36 PM, Feb 21, 2018

More celebrities have joined the Clooneys in pledging to donate to the March for Our Lives event in Washington, D.C.

Joining the list are: Oprah Winfrey; Steven Spielberg and his wife; and Hollywood producer Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife. They each vowed to donate $500,000 to help the cause that aims to have Congress take up gun control legislation.

According to media outlets, Spielberg said: "Kate and I applaud their efforts to take a stand for the benefit of this and future generations. They are an inspiration to us all."

The March 24 event was formed after the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida.