

What's The Risk Of Bringing My Kid On Errands With Me?

In our series "What's the Risk?" experts weigh in on what risks different scenarios pose for transmitting COVID-19.
Posted at 4:56 PM, May 14, 2020

When it comes to getting sick with COVID-19, you might be thinking about this, and we have too. Katey Gama asks: 

"I've heard about single parents needing to get groceries and don't have anybody to care for their children at home. What’s the risk of bringing children with you to get essential food?"

We asked the experts: Dr. Irfan N. Hafiz, an infectious disease physician and northwest region chief medical officer, Northwestern Medicine; Katie Cary, vice president of infection prevention for HCA Continental Division; and Dr. Jasmine Marcelin, an infectious disease specialist at Nebraska Medicine.

Their take is that contracting COVID-19 by bringing a child with you out and about is a medium risk. 

"It really is the same risk for adults and children going out. You know, I think it's important if you need to take your child, because there are people that definitely need to be able to take their child out, if they can wear a mask," Cary said.

"If you can't avoid it, then try to figure out a way to minimize the time spent in the grocery store as much as possible. And just trying to educate your children on, you know, don't touch a lot of things. Don't touch your face. And have some Purell with you," Marcelin said. 

"If you can order online for curbside pickup, that actually may be even a better way to do that. In most stores now or offering curbside pickup," Hafiz said. 

If you have a question about your risk, send us a video to You can see answers to other questions here