

Mazda Developing Car That Stops If Driver Experiences Health Problem

The automaker says it's developing a system that can detect when a driver experiences health complications and safely bring the car to a stop.

Cars already know how to park themselves, warn drowsy drivers, steer back into the right lanes and propose map routes to destinations. The cars Mazda has in the works for next year in Japan know when drivers have a stroke or heart attack.

By 2025, the cars will even know when drivers are about to have a sudden health problem and warn them, according to the Japanese automaker.

What’s involved are data from cameras inside the car, without resorting to laser sensors or other more obtrusive technology. And it’s going to be offered in affordable models, not just luxury vehicles. The technology holds promise for one of the most advanced aging societies in the world.

Mazda told reporters recently it has been working with medical experts, including Tsukuba University Hospital, researching the collected image data to figure out what a healthy driver looks like, as opposed to an incapacitated driver, suddenly slumped forward over the steering wheel.

Once recognizing a problem, Co-Pilot Concept, which has yet to have an official name, will bring that car to a stop in a safe spot, such as the curb of the road, as quickly as possible.

The car will be honking, with blinker and hazard lights flashing, according to Mazda, although the exact warning signals are still undecided. An emergency call to the ambulance and police will also get relayed.

Mazda plans to offer the technology in Europe after Japan. Mazda wants to wait and see before offering it in the U.S., because it believes questions remain about their social acceptance, although similar systems that stop vehicles are already being offered by rivals.

Additional reporting by The Associated Press.