

Man Arrested For Stealing Piece Of Car Paul Walker Died In

A man was arrested after police say he stole a piece of the smashed car that actor Paul Walker and his friend were driving the night they were killed.

A Los Angeles man was arrested Thursday after police say he stole a piece of the smashed car that actor Paul Walker and his friend were driving the day they died.

According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, several cars followed behind the tow truck that carried the wrecked 2005 Porsche from the accident scene to an impound yard. (Via HLN)

A witness reportedly spotted a young male get out of one of those cars and grab a piece of the wrecked car when the tow truck was stopped at a stoplight. (Via WNBC)

Police later identified the suspect as 18-year-old Jameson Witty and arrested him at his home. (Via Instagram / jamesonwitty)

No official word on how authorities tracked him down, but it's possible they were assisted by this photo that he seems to have posted to Instagram Sunday with the caption, "Piece of Paul Walker's car, took it off a tow truck at a stop light." (Via Instagram / jamesonwitty)

Police claim they have also identified a second suspect who they say is making arrangements to surrender himself.

Walker was attending an event for his charity, Reach Out WorldWide, when he and friend Roger Rodas reportedly decided to take that Porsche for a drive. (Via Reach Out WorldWide)

Just minutes after the two men drove away, witnesses say they heard an explosion and discovered the fiery crash about 500 yards away. Walker was just 40 years old. (Via WPDE)

According to CNN, the stolen red roof panel has been recovered by authorities.

Investigators are reportedly asking the district attorney to consider felony grand theft and tampering with evidence charges against both Witty and the other suspect. Witty was booked on $20,000 bail.