

NJ Mall Slashes Its $35 Minimum Fee For Santa Visits After Backlash

A New Jersey mall is now letting kids see Santa for free following complaints over a required $35 photo purchase for a visit.

For Christmas this year, Santa's bringing some people a stocking full of fiscal responsibility. 

One mall in New Jersey is charging upwards of $75 to see ol' Saint Nick. 

Pricing packages for Cherry Hill Mall's "Adventure to Santa" started at $35 for the simplest of visits, before the mall scaled back the prices because of customer complaints.  

Some packages still go up to $75, but this isn't an ordinary sit-down with the Jolly One. The packages include a "sleigh ride" and a "private visit with Santa in his North Pole Study."  (Video via KTNV

The adventure is put on by DreamWorks DreamPlace, a Christmas-themed division of DreamWorks. It first debuted last year to give visitors the "ultimate" Santa experience

Although the attraction had supporters who called it a good deal, it also received some backlash from those who felt the steep pricing would ruin the holiday cheer for some kiddos. 

It was enough resistance for the mall to walk back its prices. A statement from the mall said, "We have heard and value our loyal customers' feedback and as a result, have decided to remove the photo package purchase requirements." 

The visits are now free for kids, although you still have to make reservations, and you'll have to take the pictures yourself. Alas, the holiday spirit is restored. (Video via Cherry Hill Mall)

This video includes images from Getty Images.