

Study Says Gender Pay Gap Is Much Worse Than Previously Thought

A study released by the Institute for Women's Policy Research found that women in the workforce earn just 49 cents to the average man's dollar.

Woman are facing a much bigger pay gap than previously thought, according to new research.

A study released Wednesday by the Institute for Women's Policy Research found that women in the workforce earn just 49 cents to the average man's dollar.

That's significantly less than the 80 cents typically reported for female workers.

The 80 cents estimate comes from census data, which compares the earnings of men and women who work full time. But the IWPR's research also included part-time workers and people who have taken off time from work.

Still, researchers say they uncovered some good news about women in the workforce.

One of the study's authors said, "Over the course of the nearly 50 years covered in the study, women have seen considerable progress in the labor force by entering the workforce at higher rates and staying in the labor force for longer periods of time."