

Sweden Is Copying Beyoncé's Move

"This is the book that I wish all of my male class mates would have read when I was 16," said Clara Berglund, chairperson of Swedish Women's Lobby.

It's hard copying Beyoncé's moves. But that's what Sweden just did by giving every 16-year-old in Sweden a free book: "We Should All Be Feminists" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. (Video via NBC / "Saturday Night Live")

Ngozi Adichie's ideas were already given to teenagers around the world.

By Beyoncé.

Yoncé sampled Ngozi Adichie's Tedx Talk in "***Flawless."

"When I was 16, I don't think I knew what the word feminist meant, I don't think I knew the world at all, but I was a feminist, and I hope the 16-year-olds who read this book in Sweden will also decide that they are feminists," Ngozi Adichie said.

The Swedish Women's Lobby and other organizations are distributing the book. 

"Our hope is that We should all be feminists will work as a stepping stone for a discussion about gender equality and feminism."