

Celebrity Investigator Hired In Death Of Hollywood Assistant

A Hollywood producer's assistant died while in Bora Bora during Jennifer Aniston's honeymoon, and her family suspects foul play.

The family of a Hollywood producer's assistant who died during Jennifer Aniston's honeymoon in August has hired a celebrity pathologist to investigate the death.

Carmel Musgrove's family hired Michael Baden, who most recently worked for Michael Brown's family after the teen was killed by officer Darren Wilson. (Video via Fox News)

Officials in Bora Bora, where the 28-year-old died, say she likely drowned while swimming alone, but Baden's involvement shows the family isn't satisfied with that explanation.

Musgrove was in Bora Bora with Joel Silver, for whom she worked, along with a handful of celebrities who were celebrating Aniston's honeymoon. (Video via ScreenSlamExtra)

Silver is a producer whose work includes the "Matrix" movies and the "Sherlock Holmes" franchise, the last of which Musgrove helped him with. (Video via Warner Bros. / "The Matrix," Warner Bros. / "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows")

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