

Schwarzenegger Pretends To Be Wax Figure, Pranks Fans

He's back and pretending to be a wax figure. Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger prank some of his fans in an effort to raise awareness for charity.

If you like pranks, you're probably going to like this video.

Arnold Schwarzenegger spent some time in the makeup chair and the finished product looked like he just stepped out of the movie "Terminator". (Video via Sony Pictures / Terminator Genisys)

He then hit the streets of Hollywood to prank some fans. Here are our favorite moments. 

"He looks real," said a woman standing next to Schwarzenegger.

"Because I am," he replied.

"No touching," said Schwarzenegger, scaring a boy standing next to him.

The people he scared thought Schwarzenegger was a wax figure. The "Today" show hosts sum up what everyone was probably thinking in those moments. 

"That would freak me out. And the fact that he looks so much like his wax figure," said a "Today" show anchor.

Schwarzenegger also came face-to-face with a look-alike, and things got a little heated.

"I'll be back," said the look-alike.

"I'll be back," replied Schwarzenegger.

"I'll be back," said the look-alike, again.

"I'll be back," answered Schwarzenegger.

Do you think the Schwarzenegger wanna-be knew he was actually talking to the real Schwarzenegger? We're gonna guess no.

This prank was an effort to spread the word about After-School-All-Stars, a charity whose mission is "to give children the tools they need to have successful futures."

To benefit the charity, Schwarzenegger is offering everyone a chance to win a trip to LA for the premiere of "Terminator Genisys." He's also offering another contest to be flown to LA to blow stuff up with Arnold, using grenades and rocket launchers. Sign us up. 

"Terminator Genisys" hits theaters July 1. If you want to see more of the prank video, check out Schwarzenegger's YouTube channel