

Job Ad Calls Senior Digital Producer Gig 'Worst Job In Town'

Apparently a senior digital producer job is the worst gig ever, and that's according to the job ad itself posted on an Australian website.

When you think of the worst job ever, you probably imagine something from the show "Dirty Jobs."

"This just goes against everything ... oh geez ... are you kidding me?" the "Dirty Jobs" host said.

A job called "senior digital producer"? Doesn't sound too bad.

But a posting on the Australian job website Seek dubbed it the worst gig in town. Though the posting has since been removed. 

The Frisky managed to get a screen grab, though, and you can see it — worst job in town, poor location. Oh, and the pay isn't the best. 

The ad called the staff "mediocre" and said the company doesn't "value work life balance at all." Not to mention the terrible lighting in the office. 

Oh, and whoever takes this position will be managing a bunch of "lazy, egotistical developers." Sounds like a winner, right?

Mashable spoke to the writer of the ad, who's a digital recruiter. He said he wrote the ad because he sees so many job postings that oversell jobs. He wanted to try a different approach. 

"I decided to go for the complete opposite ... instead of writing 'the greatest job on the planet,' 'best money in town,' 'best location,' and 'greatest team.' ... It's actually a really good job," Julien Viard told Mashable.

He told Daily Mail he had more than a dozen candidates interested in the job, too. 

And even though the ad said some of the staff doesn't even bother to shower — the honesty was refreshing. Possibly also stinky, but refreshing.