

John Oliver's Shocking Display For U.S. Troops

John Oliver told David Letterman during a USO comedy tour in Afghanistan, someone suggested he tase himself to give the soldiers a good laugh.

On the “Late Show” comedian John Oliver stopped by and told Dave he’ll do just about anything to shock and awe U.S. troops serving overseas.

John told Dave he was performing at a comedy show in Afghanistan as part of a USO tour in August 2013.

And the guy went to great lengths to give the soldiers a good laugh, even if it meant putting himself in physical danger.

“All you wanna do is make them laugh. … So, I finished one gig and I walked off stage and this guy said, ‘I really enjoyed that do you want to taze yourself?’ … So, I said, “Yes,” and I tazed myself,” John Oliver said.

That’s right. John straight up took a taser to his body just to please a soldier.

He said the electric jolt actually temporarily disabled him and his leg was tingling throughout the day. Talk about putting yourself in the line of fire!

The whole USO overseas tour kind of hits close to home for the 37-year-old funny man.

John said his wife used to serve in the armed forces as a medic, so his trip “was very personal” and it was an “honor” to perform in front of the troops.

As for his career lately, no shock therapy needed.

The former “Daily Show” correspondent is thriving on his new late night comedy show, “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.”

“We were really just assuming the showing was going to be basically the same,” John Oliver said.

Yeah, we’re not buying that. John Oliver returns to HBO Sunday nights starting February 8th.

This video includes images from United Service Organizations / CC BY NC ND 2.0.