

Virtual Reality Movies On Netflix? Not Exactly

Netflix, Hulu, Vimeo and Twich are partnering up with Oculus to bring virtual reality experiences to the Samsung Gear VR headset.

As of today, you can start watching movies in virtual reality on Netflix.

But probably not how you're thinking. (Video via PBS NewsHour)

"It took me inside a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan. It's hard to convey on your screen, but the sensation is one of being in the camp as a young girl talks about life there," Jeffrey Brown said.

Netflix has partnered with Oculus to make a Netflix app for the Samsung Gear VR. (Video via Tested)

The Gear VR uses a Samsung Galaxy phone to display virtual reality content. (Video via Samsung)

Netflix's new app lets you watch its movies in a virtual space.

So you can pretend to watch "House of Cards" in a real (fake) movie theater.

Netflix's app will be available on the Oculus Rift when it launches in 2016. (Video via Oculus)