

Phoenix Couple Says 'Sex Box' Show Saved Marriage

On WE tv's "Sex Box," couples who think their relationship is in trouble have sex in a private, soundproof box before receiving advice from therapists.

Kinky or crazy, WE tv is billing its upcoming show "Sex Box" as the "boldest show on television."

All right, here's the premise: "Sex Box" is the most extreme, most public form of couples counseling you've probably ever heard of. Couples who think their relationship is in trouble commit to having sex in a private, soundproof and camera-free box on live TV and then have the show's therapists give them some very public advice.

"Sex is part of a relationship, so it needs to be worked on," said Brittany Pennington, a participant on the show.

"Their methods were credible because it did help us a lot," added her partner, Sally.

And at least one couple says it worked for them. Sally and Brittany Pennington told our partners at KNXV "Sex Box" saved their marriage.

The Penningtons' marriage has had its public moments before. They were actually one of more than 30 couples who were married during the Grammy Awards last year.

The creators of "Sex Box" say they're not involving sex to be sensational — they cite research that's shown that in the minutes after sex, endorphins that flood a person's body make them more willing to engage in an open and honest conversation.

The show is an adaptation of one that's been pretty popular in the U.K.

The American version premieres on WEtv Feb. 27.