

Seth Meyers Sticks With His Style In 'Late Night' Debut

The 'SNL' dominance of Late Night TV continues with Seth Meyers premiere on 'Late Night'

Now that Jimmy Fallon is firmly in his hallowed "Tonight Show" seat, the "Saturday Night Live" dominance of "Late Night" continues with NBC's second big debut. 

Aside from Vice President Joe Biden, Meyers made it a family affair on his 'Late Night' debut. Meyers has picked "Saturday Night Live" alum Fred Armisen to be his sidekick announcer, and his first guest was fellow "SNL" Weekend Update alum Amy Poehler. (Via Wired / Talks at Google)    

Fallon dominated the ratings last week in his new slot and finished off his stint at "Late Night" with more viewers than the show has seen in 20 years. (Via I Want Pop)

But some outlets point out that can only equal good things for Meyers. 

Meyers told The Hollywood Reporter before his big premiere that he has no plans to change his style for the show. "This is a marathon, not a sprint, don't over course correct after the first couple of shows."

And the L.A. Times points out he stuck to his promise. "The monologue was reminiscent in style and cadence to his 'Weekend Update' segments, full of rapid-fire one-liners about the day's headlines."

So, how did he do? According to most, Meyers was different but in a good way.  

Time explains the differences with this analogy, "If Jimmy Fallon was (and is) your guitar-playing camp counselor, Seth Meyers is a little more like your wisecracking grad-student T.A."

Along with being different in style, Meyers seem to posses a late-night show quality that is more like an added bonus than a requirement. True interview skills.

A writer for Variety points out, "Meyers demonstrated a harder-to-find quality among late-night hosts: Someone who is good at interviews, sparking more than canned conversation."

Entertainment Weekly adds, "I loved how freewheeling Meyers’ conversation with Poehler got, hopscotching between improvvy humor and career talk and Clooney jokes."

We're hoping Meyers' interview skills holds up; his guest for Tuesday's sit down will be the always entertaining and always controversial Kanye West.