

Teen Gets Two Chances To Wow 'Idol' Judges, Does He Move On?

On “American Idol,” a young teenager had to really work to win the judges favor, performing twice to try and win a trip to Hollywood.

On “American Idol,” a young teenager had to really work to win the judges favor, performing twice to try and win a trip to Hollywood.

15-year-old Daniel says he plays a number of different instruments including: guitar, piano, saxophone and cello. OK, we’re already impressed.

But this is “Idol,” so it was his voice and not his instruments that had the judges a little bit worried as he gave ‘Hallelujah’ a whirl while on piano.

“The minor fall, the major lift, the baffled king composing Hallelujah!”

If you noticed a few cracks in there, you weren’t alone.

The judges picked up on it, but Keith Urban wanted him to give it another shot — this time singing ‘Straight Up’ by former Idol judge Paula Abdul.

And while his guitar skills were impressive, the voice didn’t change much. Harry said “no,” Keith said “yes,” but J’Lo was still concerned.

Though she just couldn’t help admit how “adorable” the All-American boy was. The verdict?

Yep, Daniel lives to fight, err, sing another day! And we couldn’t be happier for him.

But a writer for BuddyTV wasn’t too thrilled with the judges decision. “He sounds like he has a frog in this throat.” — and says the fact that he got a golden ticket illustrates how “[‘American Idol’ is] just a joke at this point.” Ouch.

But a writer for TV Line was convinced this kid is a vocal giant, he just maybe needs to mature a bit. He said, “the judges should’ve told him he had an automatic pass to Hollywood Week — in season 16.” Which, of course, is two seasons down the road.