

Top 3 Caught-On-Camera Moments Of The Week

This week's top three caught on camera moments include a creative flight attendant, teachers reading mean tweets and snakes on a taxi.

This week’s top 3 caught-on-camera picks include a creative flight attendant, teachers reading tweets and snakes on a taxi.

Do you remember that Virgin America safety video?

“Virgin America knows all of the places you want to be. Fly away with me.” (ViaYouTube / VirginAmerica)

Well one flight attendant apparently paid attention during training — and took those skills to the skies. Check him out. He made headlines for dancing, high-kicking and even doing the splits mid-air — all to that familiar, safety-conscious tune. (Via Daily Mail)

*High kick and does splits* (Via YouTube / zbowling)

That’s one way to try for a promotion. And that’ll do a much better job of getting passengers’ attention than that old-school safety-mime stuff.

Oh, subtweets. It’s never nice reading mean tweets about yourself — real or not. That’s what teachers at Los Alamitos High School in California did to teach students a lesson about using social media. And their reaction earned our No. 2 pick. (Via YouTube /JoshVulcano)

“I thought Mr. Huber was perfect until I saw his bald spot #disappointing”

“Why is coach Howard telling me how to run? #ironic?”(Via YouTube /JoshVulcano)

This doesn’t just happen to teachers, though. Why do you dress like Mr. Rogers? What?

Now, forget snakes on a plane… try snakes in a taxi. Our No. 1 on-camera pick goes to just that — a cab driver who thought it would be funny to put a massive snake in his ride. (Via Fox News)


“Oh my god.”

“Get the **** out.”

“What the ****. What the?” (Via YouTube / James Failla)

Now the driver might lose his license but says he’s OK because he never really liked being a cab driver anyway. Which is fine, because, you know, he’s also a comedian. (ViaNBC)

Could be a snake charmer if that doesn’t work out. Those were our top 3 caught-on-camera picks of the week. We’ll see you next week.