

Top 3 Caught-On-Camera Moments Of The Week

This week's top 3 caught-on-camera videos include jumbotron dancers, a grandma on a roller coaster for the first time and a classic reporter blooper.

Every week some entertaining moments are caught on camera. And a few stick out as real gems like some jumbotron dancing, a grandma on the ride of her life and a classic reporter blooper.

Let’s start with the dancing. A father and son broke it down for more than two minutes on the jumbotron at the UConn/Kentucky Final Four matchup. KPRC reports that’s not just anybody… it’s Dallas Mavericks dance team captain Rob Maiden and his son.

YouTube / harrsm84: “Wooooo!”

Check out those moves! As TMZ put it, UConn might have won the game, but the dancing duo won the spotlight. As for our go-to jumbotron dance moves?

Now this next video will crack you up. The Huffington Post reports a 78-year-old grandma rode a roller coaster for the first time ever. And the video is hilarious.

YouTube / Vodafone Firsts: “Hahahaha”

She just keeps laughing the whole time. Gawker says she recently accomplished another first — flying in an airplane. Another check off the bucket list.

Being a reporter isn’t always easy. You have to be ready for anything.

In this case, International Business Times says a Dutch reporter didn’t quite make it through her interview with a local mayor because, well, you’ll see.

YouTube / Martje: "Ahh"

Oh man, that’s rough. She did get out safely though. Those are our top 3 caught-on-camera picks of the week. Thanks for watching.