

'We Believe The Women': Cosby Heckled Again On Canada Tour

Audience members yelled, “we believe the women” and blew rape whistles during Cosby’s final Canadian tour performance.

Bill Cosby was heckled at his third and final performance of his Canadian tour Friday night.

“We believe the women,” audience members said.

“Stop, stop,” Cosby said.

That was a group of audience members chanting “we believe the women” and blowing rape whistles before marching out of the theater.

Cosby then asked audience members not to react to the disturbance and finished the show.

A day before, similar shouts could be heard at Cosby’s show in London, Ontario.

"You are a rapist.”

“No, no stop.”

At that same show, Cosby cracked an awkward joke about the controversy surrounding him telling a woman in the front of the audience, “You have to be careful drinking around me.”

“Most of the audience laughed, but it was very, I thought it was awkward after that,” an audience member told NBC.

Cosby faces sexual assault allegations from more than 15 women.

This tour marks Cosby’s first time back on the stage since November when he had several shows canceled over the accusations.