

CDC Director Warns Second Wave Of COVID-19 Could Hit Harder

Health officials are worried about COVID-19 outbreak lining up with flu outbreak.

The director of the CDC says a second wave of the coronavirus outbreak will likely prove to be more destructive than the one we are currently facing.

In an interview with The Washington Post, CDC Director Robert Redfield said that with another outbreak anticipated this winter, "We're going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time." 

Redfield said the coinciding outbreaks will likely place an "unimaginable strain" on the health care system in the U.S. during the fall and winter months. 

The CDC is calling on federal and state officials to prepare for the months ahead and continue social distancing measures, and for Americans to get flu shots so that beds may be freed up for the second wave of the coronavirus. In addition, the CDC is looking into ways it can increase the number of public health personnel assisting with contact tracing of the virus.

Contains footage from CNN