

Coughing With A Mask On? Here’s The Right Way To Do It

Mask wearers may not realize there's an optimal way to cough into a face covering to protect those around them

With COVID-19’s Omicron variant surging, masking is getting a renewed push.

Neuroimmunologist and Yale educator Dr. Sharon Stoll offered advice to those looking for extra protection.

The proper way to wear a KN95 mask, Stoll said, is to have it properly fitted to the face so that it forms a seal around the mouth and nose. For those not in the medical field purchasing these on their own (and facing risk of them not being real), Stoll recommended wearing a cloth mask on top for extra protection.

For those who do contract COVID, Stoll recommends an emergency room visit for individuals finding it difficult to breathe. She also suggested those with a high fever lasting three to four days contact a health care provider.

At least 80% of hospital beds are occupied in 24 states, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, 85% of ICU beds in 18 states and D.C. are occupied.

The doctor said adequate hydration is essential for healing.

It is likely for people to test negative during the beginning stages of COVID, especially for those who are asymptomatic or have just been exposed to the virus. Stoll said individuals should test one to two days after exposure, and again five days later.