

Defense Department Issues New Guidance On Face Coverings

People on DOD property must now ​wear cloth face coverings when they cannot follow social distancing guidelines.
and last updated

Anyone on Defense Department property will have to cover their faces if they are unable to maintain proper social distance.

New guidance issued by Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday requires "all individuals on [Defense Department] property, installations, and facilities [to] wear cloth face coverings" if they can't avoid coming within six feet of other people in public or in workplaces. 

The memo recommends people make their own face coverings and use them at least until their respective military departments issue updated dress codes. It also says N95 respirators or surgical masks will not be issued, "as these will be reserved for the appropriate personnel."

The CDC had previously said it was unnecessary for healthy people to wear masks, but changed its recommendation after recent data showed the coronavirus could be spread by people even before they show symptoms.