

G-7 To Share 1 Billion COVID-19 Shots Worldwide

President Biden urged global allies to join in to fight the pandemic and help make vaccines widely available everywhere.

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the Group of Seven nations will commit to sharing at least 1 billion doses of COVID vaccines with countries in need around the world. 

Johnson said 100 million doses will come from the U.K. and President Biden pledged 500 million more doses of Pfizer's vaccine on behalf of the U.S. 

He urged global allies to join in to fight the pandemic and help make vaccines widely available everywhere. 

"America knows firsthand the tragedies of this pandemic," President Biden said. "This is about our responsibility, our humanitarian obligation to save as many lives as we can and our responsibility to our values. We value the inherent dignity of all people. In times of trouble Americans reach out to offer help, offer a helping hand ... Just as the American economy is recovering, it is in all of our interest to have the global economy begin to recover as well. And that won't happen unless we can get this pandemic under control worldwide."

Additional reporting by The Associated Press.