

DOJ: Intentionally Spreading COVID-19 Could Be Considered Terrorism

Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen wrote in a memo the coronavirus appears to meet the statutory definition of a biological agent.

Anyone who threatens or attempts to spread the coronavirus could be charged with terrorism.

That's according to a Justice Department memo obtained by multiple news outlets. In it, Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen wrote the virus appears to meet the statutory definition of a biological agent. 

Therefore, Rosen wrote, "such acts potentially could implicate the Nation's terrorism-related statutes."

Authorities in multiple states — including IllinoisNew Jersey and Missouri — have reported instances of people claiming they were infected and intentionally coughing on others or licking store items.

The Justice Department is also cracking down on scammers trying to profit off the pandemic through illegal methods like price fixing or bid rigging. 

Contains footage from CNN.