

Israelis Accuse Netanyahu Of Using Pandemic To Escape Prosecution

Speakers criticized Netanyahu for attempting to put together a government with his political rival, Benny Gantz.
Woman stands in front of Netanyahu protest sign

Over 2,000 Israeli protesters demonstrated Sunday against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic.

The demonstrators gathered in Tel Aviv, properly social distancing, as speakers criticized Netanyahu for attempting to put together a government with his political rival, Benny Gantz.

Over the course of three election campaigns in the past year, Gantz said he would never form a government with Netanyahu. However, Gantz announced late last month the two would establish an "emergency government" to combat the pandemic, angering supporters and causing a split in Gantz's Blue and White party.

Netanyahu is facing several political corruption charges, including breach of justice, accepting bribes and fraud. He denies involvement.

Protesters accuse Netanyahu of using the crisis to gain more power and avoid his trial — which has been delayed until late May.