

U.S. Navy Ship Docks In NYC To Care For Non-Coronavirus Patients

The ship has 12 operating rooms and will help ease overcrowding of area hospitals due to the influx of coronavirus patients.

New York will be getting assistance from a hospital on the water as a U.S. Navy ship docks to relieve some stress from area hospitals.

On Monday, the USNS Comfort docked at New York CIty's Pier 90. It has 1,000 beds to help ease overcrowding in hospitals due to coronavirus patients. It will only treat people who do not have the virus.

The Comfort, which has 12 operating rooms, was also sent to New York City after 9/11.

The ship arrived the same day that coronavirus deaths in New York surpassed 1,200.

It could be in service as early as Tuesday.

Contains footage from CNN.