

New COVID-19 Models Predict Lower Total U.S. Death Toll

According to new projections, 60,415 people will die from the coronavirus in the U.S. That's down more than 20,000 from a projection one day earlier.

As the U.S.'s death toll from the coronavirus continues to skyrocket, researchers say they believe the total number of fatalities we'll see during the pandemic's duration will be lower than previously expected. 

According to projections by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 60,415 people will die from the coronavirus in the U.S. through August. That's down more than 20,000 from a projection just a day before. And just over a week ago, U.S. infectious diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said up to 200,000 people in the U.S. could die of the illness.

Officials say that projection plummeted because Americans have dramatically changed their day-to-day lives.

"What has been so remarkable, I think, to those of us that have been in the science field for so long is how important behavioral change is, and how amazing Americans are at adapting to and following through on these behavioral changes," said Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator.

But keep in mind: These models assume social distancing measures like school closures and business shutdowns will continue into August. It's still too early to tell when officials will lift restrictions in the U.S.

Contains footage from CNN.