

New COVID Variant In U.K. Causes Concerns, Restrictions

More than two dozen countries are telling travelers from the U.K. they can't visit right now.

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said of a new COVID-19 variant, "We took prompt and decisive action the very next day to curb the spread of the new variant."

We're continuing to follow the latest out of the U.K. where a new variant of COVID-19 is causing some concern. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Monday he understands the concerns of the world and the country is taking the proper action. 

But leaders around the world are already imposing travel restrictions for people in the U.K. Take a look at this.

Heathrow Airport in London yesterday – Practically empty during what is typically one of the busiest times of the year. More than two dozen countries are telling travelers from the U.K. they can't visit right now.

In the U.S., health officials – including Dr. Anthony Fauci – say they are advising the White House not to impose travel restrictions on the U.K. for the time being.