

N.Y. Governor Allows Beaches To Reopen For Memorial Day Weekend

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said local governments can make their own decisions on whether to open beaches or keep them closed.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the state is going to allow beaches to reopen for Memorial Day weekend. The move is in coordination with New Jersey, Connecticut and Delaware. 

This includes local beaches and lakeshores, but with limitations. Cuomo said beaches will be limited to 50% capacity, concession stands will be closed and contact activities like sports are banned. Public pools will still be closed. 

People will also have to wear masks when they can't be 6 feet apart from each other. 

"The local government can decide to open or stay closed. If they choose to open, they must adopt the state’s requirements at a minimum," Cuomo said. 

A spokesperson for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said beaches will not be open on Memorial Day, but that they are putting plans in place so the city can open beaches this summer if it's safe. 

Cuomo said beaches can open next Friday before Memorial Day. Local governments have until Wednesday to notify the state if they are planning to reopen.