

New York City COVID-19 Cases Rising

Officials reported 532 new cases Thursday.

New York City's COVID-19 cases are rising again.

The city's numbers are nearing thresholds it set for keeping the virus under control.

The daily positivity rate is at almost 3%, getting closer to the 5% threshold.

And officials reported 532 new cases Thursday.

But area hospitals say they feel more prepared this time for a rise in cases.

"I would say cautiously optimistic. We have T2, test and trace. We have contact tracing in place. We have way more testing. We'll get results way quicker. So, I think we have some tools in our tool belt this time around to, you know, control any sort of mini outbreaks."

Still, Mayor Bill de Blasio called the increase in positivity "worrisome."

He's asking New Yorkers to "double down" on virus prevention strategies to avoid a second wave.