

Pandemic Parenting: How Do I Adjust for Virtual Learning?

With more schools switching to distance learning, experts say kids will do better with structure and a daily routine.
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As if parenting weren't challenging enough, the coronavirus pandemic has raised a thousand new, unprecedented questions. 

We asked the experts: How do I adjust if my child's school is switching to all-virtual learning?

“Try and involve your child in making the schedule, you know, what time do you feel like is your best time to concentrate.Some kids feel like they get a lot more done in the morning versus afternoon. So involve them in that as much as possible. And make sure there's a place at home where they can be not distracted. You know where there's not a lot of noise. Try to keep your schedule the same every day, just like with your routines for mealtime and sleep time and everything. The more sameness the more it will become normal to them,” suggested Pediatrician Roxanne Allegretti. 

“If your child's been asked to write a report, and they're sitting there for half an hour just staring at a blank page, scaffold it now — what that simply means is give them a ladder. So you might say, this is the introduction. This is where your first statement comes in. This is where you need to support your argument, this is where, so just little rungs on that ladder, you know, to help them to do it. Do it in very short bursts, you know, 15-20 minutes. Really get in there and do some good work then jump out or walk around to something else so that you can have a break,” suggested Parenting expert Rosina McAlpine.