

President Trump Activates National Guard In Three States

Supplies such as masks, gloves and respirators are also being sent to those states.

President Trump says he's activating National Guard units in New York, California and Washington as the coronavirus outbreak continues.

According to the president, the Federal Emergency Management Agency will fund the entire cost of sending National Guard units to these states. Supplies such as masks, gloves and respirators are also being sent. 

Guard units in more than 20 states have already been activated to support coronavirus response efforts. 

"In addition to large quantities of supplies, I've also directed FEMA to supply the following: Four large federal medical stations with 1,000 beds for New York. Eight large federal medical stations with 2,000 beds for California. And three large federal medical stations and four small federal medical stations with 1,000 beds for the state of Washington."

The units will reportedly assist in setting up these medical stations. The confirmed case number in the U.S. is now more than 35,000, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Contains footage from CNN