

Report: CDC, FEMA Drafting Plan To Reopen U.S.

The phased plan aims to reopen the U.S. starting May 1, despite warnings from health officials that the nation isn't prepared for any surge in cases.

The CDC and FEMA are reportedly teaming up on a plan to reopen the United States. According to The Washington Post, the plan is part of the Trump administration's greater effort to jumpstart the economy.

White House officials say President Trump aims to get the U.S. "back to work" starting May 1. And the portion of the draft obtained by the Post provides instructions for a gradual easing of social distancing guidelines at public venues, including schools and restaurants.

The three-phase plan involves a national communication campaign and community readiness assessment, followed by increased emergency funding and production of testing kits and personal protective equipment.

Any reopening afterward would depend on local public health conditions. The document does note, however, that the strategy does entail "a significant risk of resurgence of the virus." It also calls for the CDC to help local and state health departments track the spread of contagion.

The White House's reported plan to quickly reopen the U.S. comes despite warnings from public health officials.

On Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci — the nation's top infectious diseases expert — told The Associated Press the U.S. was not prepared to hit the May 1 target. His comments followed remarks from the WHO, which has advised governments against lifting lockdown measures before the coronavirus outbreak was adequately contained. 

Contains footage from CNN.