

Senate Begins Work On Third Coronavirus Package

After passing the House's coronavirus package, the Senate is working on a third package to stimulate the economy.

As the Senate moves past the second coronavirus House package, they're taking up a third. A vote is expected at some point next week, but members don't have legislation in their hands just yet. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is dividing his caucus into three working groups to come up with portions of the bill. Among them, Sens. Susan Collins and Marco Rubio, who are focused on small businesses and preventing layoffs.

Collins says the bill will carry stipulations similar to concerns Senate and House Democrats are expressing about big business benefiting from bailout funding by increasing salaries or utilizing stock buybacks.

Democratic Congressman Brendan Boyle is one of many in his party who want to see relief for college students who may have paid for housing they can no longer use and tuition for an education they're no longer receiving. He says the government should make them whole, as well as those who are already struggling to pay back their loans.

The White House is asking Congress to fund at least a $1 trillion stimulus package that would include relief for industries taking a hit as well as financial assistance for Americans. Typical supporters of the administration are expressing concern about the cost, the president may actually find support across the aisle.