

Senators Unveil Bill To Reassert Commitment To Global Health

According to Reuters, Republican Sen. Mitt Romney and Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy were set to unveil the legislation Friday.

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle introduced a new bill that would affirm the U.S.' commitment to global health as the coronavirus pandemic rages on.

On Friday, Republican Sen. Mitt Romney and Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy unveiled the legislation, called the Global Health Security Act.

The measure would establish a Global Health Security Interagency Review Council and a U.S. coordinator for global health security from the National Security Council.

The council would meet multiple times a year and be responsible for making recommendations on how the U.S. can improve global health security, and related tasks.

Romney and Murphy said the COVID-19 outbreak exposed "glaring gaps" in the U.S.' ability to respond to a pandemic, and that the country needs to be better prepared to handle situations like these in the future.

The new bill has already been introduced in the House.