

CDC: Suicidal Thoughts Rise Among Young Adults Amid Pandemic

The results were self-reported from more than 5,000 adults of all ages.

A new survey from the CDC says one in four young adults had seriously considered suicide in the past month.

Researchers wanted to learn more about mental health during the pandemic, and more than 5,000 adults of all ages responded to their survey. The results were self-reported, not based on clinical diagnoses.

They found that anxiety, depression, substance abuse and suicidal ideation were considerably higher than in previous years. Populations at greater risk were young adults, Latinos and Black people, essential workers and unpaid caregivers.

Researchers say communities need to work on social connection, economic support amid the pandemic and relief of stress from racial discrimination during current national tensions.

If you need to talk to someone, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text "HOME" to the Crisis Text Line at 741741.