

Trump Administration Plans To Reopen National Parks

President Trump made the announcement during an Earth Day tree planting event on Wednesday.

President Donald Trump announced plans to reopen national parks and other public lands across the country.

Many national parks have closed completely or limited their operations, based on state and local directives. The National Park Service has been making changes on a park-by-park basis.

President Trump didn't name an exact date but said the parks will reopen in accordance with his administration's "Opening Up America Again" guidelines. Those call for a three-phase transition, to begin at the states' discretion, to get the country back on track after the coronavirus pandemic.

The president made the announcement during an Earth Day tree planting event on Wednesday.

He said: "On this special occasion we are renewing our strong national commitment on conserving the wonders of God's creation. One of the most important ways we uphold this tradition is by protecting our priceless national parks and our public lands ...  We will have them open quickly, as we said we are starting to open our country again."