

Trump Expected To Announce Second Coronavirus Task Force For Economy

The smaller, more informal task force would reportedly include top administration officials as well as private-sector leaders.

Multiple outlets report President Donald Trump is expected to announce a second coronavirus task force that will focus on the economy. The announcement could come as soon as this week. 

Top administration officials —including chief of staff Mark Meadows, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and national economic adviser Larry Kudlow — would work with private-sector leaders on the smaller task force, according to The Washington Post

CNN reports the administration has also reached out to former Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn, Steve Schwarzman of the Blackstone Group, economist Arthur Laffer and major sports teams and athletes to help with the task force. 

President Trump has repeatedly said "The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself." He originally hoped the country's economy would reopen by Easter, but, extended that goal amid health officials' recommendations to April 30. 

A White House spokesman said: "The President wants to see this economy open again so people can get back to work, but scientific data will drive the timeline on those decisions because his number one priority is to protect the safety and well-being of the American people."