

Wisc. Brings Back Coronavirus Restrictions 'Whether We Like It Or Not'

In announcing new restrictions on gatherings, Wisconsin governor says, "Whether we like it or not, we have to change the course of this virus."

Wisconsin is rolling back on reopening and now reimplementing coronavirus restrictions as COVID-19 cases surge across the state.

Gov. Tony Evers issued the order on Tuesday, pointing out that Wisconsin has had the third highest number of new cases in the U.S. over the past week – more than 17,500. The state has become one of the worst hot spots for the disease over the last month.

Bars, restaurants, stores and other public spaces or indoor gatherings must limit capacity to 25%. Some exemptions include schools, churches, grocery stores and polling locations.

Gov. Evers said, "I know we are all tired, we are all frustrated and we just want to get back to our Wisconsin way of life — you and me both. But at the end of the day, whether we like it or not, we have to change the course of this virus and that’s going to take a united effort."

The statewide order will go into effect on Thursday morning and will last until Nov. 6. Violators could face forfeitures of up to $500.

Additional reporting by The Associated Press.