

With Hospitals Overwhelmed, England Enters 3rd Lockdown

Virus surge in England forces 6-week closure of all nonessential shops, most schools.

It was a forthright message from the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson but also a somber one. 

 That's because COVID-19 cases here in the United Kingdom are once again surging in part because of this new war transmissible variant which is spreading across the country.

Johnson did talk about the light at the end of the tunnel coming with these two vaccines that have now been approved but it's impossible to sugarcoat what's going on in the capital alone.

Some 68 percent more patients are being treated in hospitals in London over the last 10 days and anyone who is being infected at the moment will reach those hospital wards for another week or 2 weeks which is why this lockdown in the prime minister's eyes is inevitable.

 That means that schools are closed, gyms are closed, pubs are closed. People are being urged to stay at home and only to leave the house if they absolutely have to. 

January 2021 — this month at the beginning of this year that was supposed to be a new chapter —  is feeling very much like it was in 2020.