

Wuhan, Coronavirus Epicenter, Reopens After 76 Days

Healthy residents are allowed to travel in and out of Wuhan, but will still need to follow prevention measures like wearing a mask.

Wuhan, China, the coronavirus' epicenter, is out of lockdown.

Residents can now travel in and out of Wuhan as long as they are healthy after being barred for 76 days. Before, residents could only leave their homes to buy food and some were allowed to leave the city if they had special permission. 

The lockdown was lifted a day after China reported no new deaths for the first time since January. 

But life in Wuhan is far from normal. Even though the lockdown has been lifted, residents will still have to wear masks, get temperature checks and follow other prevention measures. 

The coronavirus was first reported in Wuhan, home to about 11 million people, but investigators are still not sure where exactly the virus came from.