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CTE Found In The Brains Of 110 Former NFL Players

Scientists found that nearly every NFL player who donated their brain to the study had CTE, a disease linked to head injuries in football.

In a new study, researchers diagnosed 110 of 111 NFL players postmortem with chronic traumatic encephalopathy, aka CTE. The disease is linked to repeated head trauma.

This is the latest study in a series from Boston University, all of which had similar results. The studies can't predict how many NFL players might get CTE, but they do suggest the risk might go up the longer a person plays football.

The findings come as the NFL faces some high-profile court proceedings related to the disease. The first two claims of the NFL's billion-dollar concussion settlement were announced in June. By that time, more than 14,500 players registered to receive benefits.

And later that month, a federal appeals court ruled league administrators ignored evidence of a retired player's CTE when considering his eligibility for disability payments.

The NFL said the player's claim "relied on no evidence at all." However, court documents showed he used testimony from several physicians establishing he'd endured over 69,000 full-speed hits.

It's unclear if the study will affect proceedings, but the research team has helped change the NFL's mind before. One of the league's top health and safety officers cited a 2015 study when acknowledging the link between CTE and football.