Politics2020 Election


2020 Presidential Campaigns Respond To Coronavirus Outbreak

Presidential campaigns are responding to the coronavirus outbreak aiming to keep voters germ free during political rallies.

Presidential campaigns are responding to the threat of the coronavirus

"It's something that we have thought about a lot. We do not hold a rally without first conferring with local public health officials," said Senator Bernie Sanders.

One thing campaigns are doing differently is setting up these hand sanitizer stations. People can get some hand sanitizer and they're hoping to keep people germ free during these events. 

The Biden and Sanders campaigns are doing this but both candidates decided to cancel rallies on Tuesday citing concerns around the viral outbreak. It's unclear if coronavirus will have an effect on President Donald Trump's campaign events. 

Some voters we spoke to at a Joe Biden rally in Detroit say they are somewhat concerned but they are still willing to come out and support their candidate. So far, Michigan has no reported cases of coronavirus.

Angela Bully is a doctor who works in the Detroit metro area. 

Does it concern you that you have mass gatherings like this with the virus that's going around?

"Yeah, there is some concern because you don't know who has been exposed to coronavirus because there's not been effective testing for it," Bully said. "So you just have to take precautions. You know, if somebody is near you and they're sneezing or they're coughing or they look sick, you just have to kind of walk away."

"I suppose it does worry me a bit. But I also wash my hands. I don't touch my face," said Mara Kuhney. "I essentially just try and stay as clean and aware of what I'm doing as possible. Try not to touch anything extraneous. Generally, I just try to be safe and smart."