Politics2020 Election


Bernie Sanders Pushes For More Progressives In Biden's Cabinet Picks

Open cabinet positions in President-elect Joe Biden's administration include attorney general and CIA director.

President-elect Joe Biden still has a number of key cabinet positions to fill. Those include attorney general, CIA Director, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor and small business administrator.

Senator Bernie Sanders is pushing for more progressives to join the upcoming administration.

Sanders said, "Well, what I have said many, many times is the Progressive Movement itself probably is 35 or 40 percent of the Democratic coalition. Uh, and I believe that the Progressive Movement deserves seats, uh, in the cabinet. That has not yet happened."

Sanders questioned if Judge Merrick Garland, a potential candidate for attorney general, was progressive enough. Garland was President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court in 2016.

Biden's inauguration will take place on January 20.