Politics2020 Election


House Panel Gives All Chamber Members Access To Classified Information

The classified addendum reportedly includes concerns about a Russian-linked disinformation campaign targeting former Vice President Joe Biden.
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The House Intelligence Committee voted Wednesday to give the entire chamber access to classified information on a foreign disinformation campaign targeting the 2020 presidential election. 

Democratic leaders sent a letter to the FBI last week asking that a briefing be sent to all members of Congress on the matter. But so far, that hasn't happened.

Sources told CNN the classified addendum includes concerns about a Russian-linked disinformation campaign targeting former Vice President Joe Biden. 

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said more than two dozen House members requested access to the classified addendum. It reportedly includes evidence from the "Executive Branch's own reporting and analysis."

Republicans say it's a partisan attack. Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson has been accused of receiving disinformation from foreigners. He denied those allegations in a letter to Democrats. 

The vote comes after the director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center warned that Russia, Iran and China are trying to interfere in the 2020 elections. Democrats, including Schiff, criticized the director's statement for not going into detail about specific threats from those countries. 

Contains footage from CNN.