Politics2020 Election


North Carolina Governor Rejects GOP's Plan For 'Full Convention'

In a letter, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper said a full-fledged convention in late August is "very unlikely."

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, rejected plans from Republicans to hold a "full" national convention in Charlotte. He said there can't be a national convention unless there are proper safety measures in place. 

The Republican National Committee and President Donald Trump want the convention in late August to be at full capacity, but Cooper says that is "very unlikely." 

He denied the request in a letter addressed to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and Convention CEO Marcia Lee Kelly on Tuesday. He said, "We are happy to continue talking with you about what a scaled down convention would look like and we still await your proposed plan for that."

Specifically, he suggested they plan for "fewer people, social distancing and face coverings." 

President Trump has threatened to move the convention somewhere else if Cooper didn't agree to full attendance. Possible locations reportedly include Georgia, Tennessee and Florida. 

North Carolina Republicans are calling Cooper a "hypocrite" after he participated in protests over the weekend that didn't comply with the state's health and safety standards. A North Carolina GOP spokesman wrote: "We deserve to know why Cooper gives free reign to crowds gathered to riot, but refuses to let citizens peacefully and safely renominate the president."

McDaniel also fought back. On Twitter, she said Cooper isn't giving the committee any guidance on how to safely conduct the convention. She also hinted the committee is looking at alternative locations for the convention.