Politics2020 Election


Pres. Trump Will Leave If Electoral College Seats Biden

President Trump told reporters he would leave the White House if the Electoral College votes for President-elect Joe Biden.

The president spoke to reporters last night after holding a teleconference with U.S. military leaders stationed overseas. He criticized election officials in Georgia and Pennsylvania, two key swing states President-elect Biden won. President Trump claimed fraud, with no evidence again. Despite that, the president did say he will leave the white house if the Electoral College seats Biden.

Reporter: "If the Electoral College does elect President-elect Biden, are you not going to leave the building?"

President Donald Trump: "Just so you know...certainly I will, certainly I will. And you know that, but I think that there will be a lot of things happening between now and the 20th of january. A lot of things."

President Trump also spoke about potential coronavirus vaccines He said deliveries will begin as early as next week. 

Pres. Donald Trump: "We are rounding the curve. The vaccines are being delivered. Literally it'll start next week and the week after, and it'll hit the frontline workers and seniors and the doctors, nurses, a lot of people gonna start and we're going very quickly."

The president's comments come ahead of a meeting next month, where FDA regulators will meet and review Pfizer's request for emergency use authorization of its vaccine candidate with BioNTech.