Politics2020 Election


Pres. Trump Unveils Health Care Plan With Similarities To Obamacare

The president said his plan expands affordable insurance options and reduces the cost of prescription drugs.

President Donald Trump is pushing his vision on health care ahead of the election. He discussed his plans during an event in North Carolina — a key swing state — Thursday.

"My plan expands affordable insurance options, reduces the cost of prescription drugs, will end surprise medical billing, increases fairness through price transparency, streamlines bureaucracy, accelerates innovation, strongly protects Medicare, and always protects patients with preexisting conditions," the president said.

He signed an executive order that, among other things, stops health insurance companies from discriminating against people with preexisting medical conditions.

But that's already included in the Affordable Care Act, which his administration is trying overturn in the Supreme Court.

The president also promised Medicare recipients will receive $200 to pay for prescriptions, though he didn't give details on when this would happen or where the money would come from.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dismissed the president's executive order, calling it "bogus."