

Are Federal Agencies Subtweeting President Trump?

They're certainly tweeting, and their messages seem a bit more political than usual.
Donald Trump and a Twitter icon.

Federal agencies are taking a cue from President Trump, despite him allegedly asking them not to. 

Recent reports have suggested that Trump had banned some departments from sharing updates on social media — something White House press secretary Sean Spicer denied in a press briefing Wednesday.  

Regardless, they don't seem to be going away quietly. 

On Inauguration Day, the National Park Service retweeted this. 

It later deleted the tweets and apologized, but it seemed to start a trend. 

A few days later, Trump announced several changes to U.S. environmental policy, and Badlands National Park sent out a few tweets of its own. 

Those tweets were also deleted, and another apology was issued. But on the same day Trump promised actions on immigration and refugees, this happened: 

Even the Department of Defense seemed to be subtweeting the president. 

It's not clear why all of this is happening, but one thing is for sure: This kind of Twitter rebellion is something we've never seen before.