

Canada Legalizes Recreational Marijuana

Here's some of what we do know: The legal age to use marijuana will be 19 in most provinces. And Canadians can carry up to 30 grams of marijuana.

Canada has legalized recreational marijuana.

As of Wednesday, it's legal for adults in Canada to possess, buy, use and grow cannabis. But each province and territory is allowed to set its own rules around marijuana, so the minimum age to buy, the types of marijuana available and how much people are allowed to have will vary. 

But we do know some details: The legal age to use marijuana will be 18 in Quebec and 19 in most other provinces. People of age can buy it either at private, government-run or online shops, depending on the province. And Canadians will be able to carry up to 30 grams of marijuana. 

One concern with the new law is people driving while high. 

The government official who oversaw legalization says the country's police officers have been given the "training, tools and technology to actually detect and deter" impaired drivers.  

Canada approved the use of a roadside screening device to test for THC, one of the main ingredients in marijuana. And the government earmarked about $62 million to help police prepare, including training more officers to recognize drivers who've used drugs. 

But the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police said not enough officers were trained. The goal was 2,000 trained drug recognition experts, but a Canadian news outlet reports only about 880 officers were trained and ready to go. 

For anyone in the U.S. wanting to pop up to Canada to enjoy the new recreational marijuana law, be aware that bringing pot into or out of the country will still be illegal. And U.S. border patrol will be on the lookout and people will reportedly be barred from entering the U.S. if they admit to pot use.