

CBP Releases Video Of Migrant Processing Facilities

The Pentagon says it has been asked to house unaccompanied children at two military facilities in Texas as space runs low.

U.S. and Mexico officials discussed cooperating on migration in the region during meetings Tuesday. 

Customs and Border Protection did release some video of two temporary migrant processing facilities.

You can see the facilities with children sleeping on mats on the floor. 

The Pentagon says it has been asked to house unaccompanied children at two military facilities in Texas as space runs low.

Republicans are pushing President Biden to take more action and say this is problem he caused.

"Well, it goes back to inauguration day when Joe Biden signed five different executive orders, each one having to do with immigration," said Sen. John Barrasso. "He essentially put out the welcome mat. He turned on the sign that said our borders are open."

President Biden and the White House have said that the border is closed. But migrants continue to cross at record numbers.